
Alcon Infiniti Phaco System

Reconditioned • Calibrated • Patient Ready


infinit phaco system

What Other Doctors Say

"Thank you for helping us with the infiniti for our center. You were patient and
made sure we got what we wanted. We installed it in our hospital and works
great. Will want to buy more machines next months."
Solongoo TS, Conogol Trade, LLC Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia


Demonstration phaco video

The INFINITI® Vision System allows physicians to provide patients with customized cataract surgery. This approach combines unparalleled fluidics with two unique energy delivery systems, providing surgeons increased efficiency and the ability to customize cataract lens removal to each patient.

The system's OZIL® Torsional Handpiece delivers side-to-side, oscillating ultrasonic movement, enhancing surgeon control during surgery. Increased surgical control delivers greater potential for obtaining better surgical outcomes and safety than with traditional cataract removal technologies. This approach also supports the direction of more and more cataract surgeons towards micro-incisional cataract removal. To learn more about this product, visit


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